General Information

The Chapter on the Guaranteed Quality of Service (GQS) establishes the quality parameters of the DataCenter Service provided to the Beneficiary. The quality assurance agreement defines the applicable quality parameters, the calculation formulas and the quality measurement criteria, the guaranteed values of every parameter, the Beneficiary’s rights and compensations in case of failure to observe the guaranteed quality parameters, and the obligations that the Beneficiary must observe to benefit from services at the quality standards guaranteed by the Provider.

Technical assistance

The Provider will monitor the Beneficiary’s services and will provide a permanent technical assistance program, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. If the Beneficiary faces a non-functionality of the Services, he will notify the Provider’s technical assistance center by phone or email according to the information included in chapter Contact Details.
The client will attach to the notice a failure report. The failure report issued by the Beneficiary must include the following:

  • Name and phone number of the person reporting the failure;
  • Type of failure;
  • Service ID;

The complaint will be registered as a Trouble Ticket – TT, whose identification number will be given to the Beneficiary, and will be used to monitor said complaint until it is finally settled. A TT may be closed only with the Beneficiary’s consent and confirmation (phone or e-mail). The remedy will be communicated by the Provider at the email address indicated in the chapter Contact Details, and the Beneficiary will be bound to confirm the remedy within maximum one (1) hour after the delivery of the email by the Provider. If the Beneficiary fails to answer within this interval of time, he will be considered to have tacitly confirmed the remedy.

Availability of Service

Measurement of the Service availability

The availability of the Service refers to connectivity and/or supply with electrical power. The calculation formula of the monthly availability is: Availability = (A – B) x 100 / A
A= no. of hours in the month
B = total no. of hours of non-operation = amount of failure times according to the trouble tickets.
The guaranteed availability of the service is of 99.9% per month.
When calculating the availability, one must not take into account the interruptions related to the execution of the network and/or equipment maintenance works, interruptions that are notified at least 48 hours before by the Provider. In case of contingent events, the network maintenance works may be notified at least 24 hours in advance by the Provider. The Provider will make sure that these maintenance works should be carried out in the hour interval 03:00 AM – 07:00 AM.

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