Upgrade your business

Azure Stack, Azure Local, Dell Apex and beyond - Migration, integration & administration

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Microsoft Azure Local


Microsoft Azure Stack



Business in a Box Approach

We specialize in cutting-edge technology services to streamline your operations, enhance security, and drive innovation. From seamless migrations and integrations to robust cloud and infrastructure solutions, our offerings ensure your business stays ahead in a fast-evolving digital landscape.

Find Out More
  • Azure Local - deployment & management
  • Azure Stack - migration & integration
  • Dell Apex - deployment & administration
Secure. Scalable. Future-Ready

Unlock the full potential of Azure and Dell technologies

Cloud & Data Center Services

Azure Stack Migration
Integration & Administration

Helps organizations move existing applications and workloads to Azure Stack for better integration with hybrid cloud systems. Ensures smooth transitions between Azure Stack generations with minimal downtime.

Tech Support & Professional Services

Azure Local
Integration & Management

Tailored deployment and management of local Azure environments to enhance scalability and performance. We ensure seamless integration with your business operations for maximum efficiency.

Advanced Network & Data Security

Integration & Administration

Flexible Dell Apex infrastructure solutions, including Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI), with expert administration for improved efficiency and scalability. We provide end-to-end support for deployment, integration, and ongoing management.

Sales & Marketing Support

Automated Migration Software

Our cloud migration solution is a comprehensive platform dedicated to the automatic migration of applications, physical servers, and virtual machines to Azure Stack Hub.

Mary Perisic

Global Alliance Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc

“Partnering with Microsoft, and leveraging leading Nexus-based networking capabilities, we have installed Azure in a wide range of customer locations in EMEA (for example BinBox), North America and Asia-Pacific. We are delighted that the Cisco integrated System for Microsoft Azure is now available for an expanded audience who need the benefits of hybrid cloud solutions deployed with Microsoft Azure ”

Daniel Rusen

Marketing and Operations Manager, Microsoft Romania

“[...] Through this first implementation of Azure Stack in Romania, Microsoft, together with partners such as BinBox, is helping companies benefit from the sheer strength of our cloud platform, in order to develop new products by using artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive intelligence and IoT - Internet of Things.”

Alex Luigi Ricobon

Information Security Manager at Fortech

After using Binbox offering we can definitely say that Azure Stack is the best option for any company that is looking to take advantage of the hybrid cloud’s model, by matching the fast transfer times and control of a Romanian-based AzureStack with the power and salability of public Azure.

Ziarul Financiar

Business Hi-Tech

BinBox Global Services, jucător pe piaţa serviciilor de telecomunicaţii, se alătură startup-ului KNOSIS.AI, evaluat la 1,5 mil. euro, pentru a susţine dezvoltarea Inteligenţei Artificiale. KNOSIS.AI, marketplace ce pune la dispoziţie o platformă de antrenare a algoritmilor de computer vision, pentru a replica inteligenţa umana, a fost evaluat la 1,5 milioane de euro, în urma obţinerii unei investiţii.


Azure Stack

BinBox Global Services, unul dintre jucătorii importanţi pe piaţa de servicii de telecomunicaţii, anunță achiziţia celei mai noi platforme de cloud hibride, Microsoft Azure Stack. Soluţia implementată în parteneriat cu ALEF Distribution RO, unul dintre liderii segmentului de distribuţie a sistemelor IT, este unică pentru piaţa din România.

EU Projects / Fonduri UE

Platforma inovativă Binbox Cloud

BINBOX GLOBAL SERVICES SRL. a implementat proiectul cu titlul „Platforma inovativa Binbox Cloud“, Cod MySMIS 130068, co-finanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020, Axa prioritara 2 – Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor (TIC) pentru o economie digitala competitiva


Platforma inovativă Locationchest

BINBOX GLOBAL SERVICES SRL. a implementat proiectul cu titlul „Platforma inovativa Locationchest“, Cod MySMIS 130068, co-finanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020, Axa prioritara 2 – Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor (TIC) pentru o economie digitala competitiva


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